Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Spectro PowerCap at Republic Service’s Hickory Ridge Landfill

This time-lapse video from Carlisle Energy shows the installation of the 45-acre solar energy geomembrane Spectro PowerCap at Republic Service’s Hickory Ridge Landfill. Watch as grounds are prepped, earth is moved and liners are carefully placed. It’s four months of state of the art engineering compressed into a two-minute video.
Nearly 7,000 flexible solar panels, each one about two nickels thick, are factory bonded to the geomembrane and cover 10-acres of the landfill’s south slope. The dual-purpose closure system is expected to generate 1 MW of electricity annually. Utility company Georgia Power will purchase the electricity. Republic Services will also soon install a landfill gas-to-energy project on Hickory Ridge.
In the event of bad weather, the folks at Republic don’t want to worry about massive green covers draping nearby roadways. So a large sum of the project’s $5 million price tag went into making sure the cap stays in place. Look carefully at the video and you can see backhoes digging trenches around the landfill’s base. Engineers place the geomembrane inside these trenches, backfill it with dirt and Presto! The liner is firmly fixed.

Carlisle Energy filmed this time lapse footage of the construction and installation of the Spectro Power Cap at the Hickory Ridge Landfill in Conley, Georgia.


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