Monday, September 26, 2011











Saturday, September 24, 2011

Snaptu: Solar power boom put at risk by rigid caps on budget, says industry

Head of trade body warns almost none of next year's £161m budget for feed-in-tariffs is left for new installations

• Huw Irranca-Davies on the feed-in tariff's future

The fledgling boom in solar power across the UK is in danger of being snuffed…

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Snaptu: Carbon capture progress has lost momentum, says energy agency

Meeting of senior ministers in Beijing hears that CCS is being left behind due to financial crisis and weakening political will

The financial crisis and fading government support for climate action have seriously eroded global plans to capture and…

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Snaptu: What are bioenergy and biofuels – and are they a good idea?

This Q&A is part of the Guardian's ultimate climate change FAQ

• See all questions and answers

• Read about the project

Bioenergy describes any energy source based on biological matter – everything from an dung cooking fire or a biomass power…

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Snaptu: Petrobras investirá US$ 1,2 bi em corte de emissões e eficiência energética

Em seu novo plano de negócios, a Petrobras traçou, pela primeira vez, metas de eficiência energética, de redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa e de diminuição da queima de gás natural em suas plataformas. Para alcançar tais objetivos, a…

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Snaptu: Transporte público e mobilidade são desafios para Dia Mundial sem Carro

Para cumprir as recomendações do Dia Mundial sem Carro, os brasileiros teriam que deixar 38,9 milhões de veículos na garagem se fosse hoje. O número corresponde à quantidade de automóveis de passeio que trafegam no país, segundo dados de agosto do…

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Snaptu: Ativistas atacam biotério de universidade de Florianópolis

O biotério da UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), em Florianópolis, foi alvo de pichações e de uma tentativa de incêndio na madrugada de terça-feira (20). Segundo Leandro Oliveira, diretor do departamento de segurança do campus, não houve…

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Snaptu: Green groups angered as biomass plant approved

Wood-burning plant in Wales to create 700 jobs, but critics say bioenergy drive is based on false belief that it is carbon-neutral

The government has given the go-ahead to a huge wood-burning plant which it claims will provide power for a quarter of…

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Snaptu: Solar panel factory protests tarnish China's clean-tech efforts

Chinese villagers protesting about pollution were dispersed by riot police in Haining, Zhejiang province

China's ambition to build a harmonious clean-tech economy lost some of its sheen on Sunday after a violent confrontation over pollution from a…

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Snaptu: Brazilian police arrest suspects in Amazon murders of environmentalists

Two held over killings of José Cláudio Ribeiro da Silva and Maria do Espírito Santo, who were dedicated to saving the rainforests

Police in the Brazilian Amazon say they have arrested two men in connection with the murders of two rainforest…

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Snaptu: How to get to offshore windfarms in stormy seas

Getting technicians to the 6,000 offshore wind turbines the UK will build by 2020 will be crucial, but is difficult in rough waters

Damian Carrington

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Snaptu: Camada de gelo no Ártico atinge recorde de nível mais baixo

A superfície de gelo ártico está em seu nível mais baixo, informou o NSIDC (Centro Nacional de Dados da Neve e Gelo) com base no estudo preliminar de imagens tiradas por satélites. A última medição, no dia 9, mostra que o gelo cobria 4,33 milhões de…

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Snaptu: Shopping Center Norte é área de contaminação crítica, diz Cetesb

A Cetesb (Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo) informou nesta sexta-feira que o shopping Center Norte, localizado ao lado da marginal Tietê, na zona norte de São Paulo, entrou para a lista de áreas contaminadas críticas do órgão. Segundo a…

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Snaptu: Car-free day urges EU capital residents to get greener

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Brussels will free its streets of cars and heavy traffic this Sunday as it celebrates its 11th annual car-free day, marking a week when cities across Europe promote cycling and other green transport.

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Snaptu: New atlas shows extent of climate change

The world's newest island makes it on to the map as the Arctic Uunartoq Qeqertaq, or Warming Island, is officially recognised

If you have never heard of Uunartoq Qeqertaq, it's possibly because it's one of the world's newest islands, appearing in…

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Snaptu: US environment agency to delay greenhouse gas proposals

EPA administrator Lisa Jackson admits the agency will miss target to float new utility-focused proposals by end of September

New greenhouse gas regulations for US power plants are unlikely to be proposed by the end of the month, the head of the…

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Snaptu: Global warming brings exotic fish to British waters but at a cost

Cod, haddock and other fish traditionally eaten in UK are on the decline but warm water fish are thriving, study claims

Global warming is leading to "profound" population changes in most common fish species in waters off the UK, according to the…

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Snaptu: The ecological footprint of environment reporting | Adam Vaughan

While we try to minimise the carbon impact of our reports from the frontlines of ecological battlefields, our reporters' dispatches are simply too important to ignore

For the past two weeks, our US environment correspondent Suzanne Goldenberg has…

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Snaptu: Bioenergy projeta construir 50 parques eólicos no MA

A empresa Bioenergy está com projeto de R$ 6 bilhões para construir 50 parques eólicos no Maranhão. A implantação deles, no entanto, ainda depende dos leilões do governo federal. Assinantes da Folha e do UOL podem acessar a íntegra da coluna aqui…

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Snaptu: Al Gore lança campanha 24 horas on-line contra mudança climática

O ex-vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos Al Gore lançou nesta quinta-feira uma campanha na internet com duração de 24 horas destinada a conscientizar a opinião pública sobre a mudança climática. O projeto, denominado "24 Horas de Realidade", consiste…

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Snaptu: Gadgets movidos a energia solar se multiplicam

Já se pode vislumbrar um futuro com aparelhos eletrônicos portáteis movidos somente a energia solar. Em dispositivos de baixo consumo, como teclados, isso já é uma realidade: o K750, da Logitech, dispensa pilhas e tem no painel solar sua única fonte…

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Snaptu: Aquecimento do mar na Europa aumenta número de peixes

O aquecimento do mar causado pelas mudanças climáticas pode ser benéfico para algumas espécies de peixes e negativo para outras.

É isso que mostra um trabalho publicado nesta sexta-feira na revista "Current Biology". Cientistas britânicos analisaram…

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Snaptu: Australian carbon tax plan goes to parliament

PM Julia Gillard has introduced a third attempt to legislate a price on pollution

The Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, has introduced her government's controversial carbon tax plans into parliament in a third attempt to legislate a price on…

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Snaptu: Windfarm proposals mass on David Hockney's favourite Yorkshire patch

Will the artist need to get out his brushes - and iPad - again, to record a startling change on the skyline of the Wolds?

Yorkshire has been presented with an enormous bouquet by its artist son David Hockney in the last week, with preview publicity…

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Snaptu: Óleo de coco e luz solar vão gerar energia para ilha do Pacífico

A praticamente desconhecida ilha de Toquelau, no território da Polinésia, será abastecida com eletricidade gerada por 93% de luz solar e o restante com óleo de coco. O plano, anunciado pelo governo local, deve ser colocado em prática até meados de…

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Snaptu: Businesses should link environmental and financial impact, investors urge

Influential investor group outlines new guidelines on company reporting to encourage disclosure and improve sustainability

Businesses should have to disclose much more information about their environmental performance, social impact, and how they…

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Snaptu: First nappy recycling plant to open in UK

Facility will recycle absorbent hygiene products to recover plastic and fibre that can be used to make products such as roof tiles

The UK's first ever plant for recycling nappies is to open today.

The facility, which will also recycle feminine…

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Snaptu: Mexico City cyclists reclaim the streets

After an outburst from a journalist, a demonstration took place to raise awareness of the difficulties cyclists face

Last month a journalist in Mexico City called on motorists to squash cyclists and rid the city of a plague.

The outburst from Angel…

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Snaptu: How China dominates solar power

Huge loans from the Chinese Development Bank are helping Chinese solar companies push American solar firms out of the market

Armed with tens of billions in loans from the Chinese government, Chinese solar companies have scaled at a rate unthinkable…

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Snaptu: Explosion at French nuclear waste plant

One worker reported dead in blast at Marcoule nuclear waste processing site in southern France

An explosion at a French nuclear waste processing plant that killed one person and injured four others sparked fears of a radioactive leak on Monday.


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Snaptu: Pela 1ª vez, estudo acha plástico em mar do polo Norte

A grua do navio levanta e despeja no convés uma rede em formato de cone. A oceanógrafa inglesa Clare Miller, porém, sabe o que procura ali --e não são peixes. Ela logo esvazia a ponta da rede dentro de um balde, revelando algas, plâncton e...…

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Snaptu: Win £16,000 solar panels for your home

Enter our competition with PV Solar UK marking two years of and you could be in with a chance to win a four kilowatt solar photovoltaic system worth £16,000

Environment editor

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Snaptu: Weatherwatch: how well the windhover hovers, with wind or without

Kestrels (or windhovers) must hover facing the wind, or it would upset them, hence the popular supposition that they cannot hover without a wind. As Richard Jefferies writes in his 1884 collection The Life of the Fields, "The truth is, he can hover…

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Snaptu: China needs absolute CO2 cap to meet market plans: researchers

BEIJING (Reuters) - China needs to set absolute restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions if it is to fulfill its aim to set up a carbon market over the next five years, a cabinet office think tank said in a paper published on Thursday.

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Snaptu: Rio+20 summit co-ordinator seeks to put agriculture centre stage

UN executive Brice Lalonde says pinpointing one key area will focus minds and boost progress on other development goals

The Rio+20 global development summit co-ordinator is pushing for a tight focus on agriculture in an attempt to inject new energy…

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Snaptu: Relatório critica Apple por emissões de poluentes na China

Grupos ambientalistas chineses acusaram a Apple de ignorar a poluição emitida por seus fornecedores no país, na mais recente crítica ao histórico ambiental da companhia. Emissões de substâncias tóxicas de "suspeitos de serem fornecedores da Apple"…

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